Emphasize the proper nutrition of children, starting from the period of pregnancy

"Dubai International Nutrition" issues 7 recommendations to treat malnutrition diseases and strengthen the immune system


The Dubai International Conference on Nutrition issued 7 recommendations, ensuring the prevention of malnutrition diseases and stimulating the immune system in the face of other diseases, most notably the need to harness modern technology in the control and treatment of obesity, diabetes and nutrition-related diseases.

In a press statement on the sidelines of the conference, the acting director of the Clinical Nutrition Department at the Dubai Health Authority, Shaima Hussain Qaid, said that after holding many discussion sessions, and exchanging views between nutrition experts participating in the conference, it ended with 7 main recommendations to ensure a healthy life based on proper nutrition. .

The seven recommendations include "focusing on the nutrition of children at all stages of life, starting from pregnancy to the postpartum stages, as well as increasing the focus on educating and increasing nutritional awareness among mothers to choose appropriate foods for children and not to follow advertisements and children's whims and focus on school students."

She continued, "The recommendations also include the necessity of introducing modern methods and methods of intensive care in all hospitals, as well as adopting new means to follow up on obesity and diabetes through new nutritional and technological awareness programs and harnessing these applications to serve all members of society."

According to the head of the conference, the fifth recommendation includes the need to see the new and advanced guidelines for treating cancer patients to be applied in hospitals, while the sixth recommendation includes the need to increase awareness programs for doctors in hospitals about the importance of the nutritionist, and the integration of their role to serve the patient and speed up his recovery.

The seventh recommendation came to include increasing knowledge and awareness of the nutrition of athletes at all stages and working to increase cooperation with sports bodies, the Health Authority and those concerned with athlete nutrition, in order to create a solid, nutritionally and physically athletic generation capable of excellence and excellence.

Qaed stated that proper nutrition played a major role in addressing the Corona pandemic, as it greatly helped to strengthen the immune system, and protect patients from exposure to dangerous complications in hospitals and isolation centers.

Over the course of its three days, 66 speakers participated in the conference who discussed a number of themes related to the latest studies of the Corona pandemic and its various impacts on human health and society in various countries of the world, including the UAE, nutritional care for patients with critical care and different methods of nutrition to care for people with various diseases. The most important recommendations and issues related to feeding infants and children of all ages, nutritional interventions in the treatment of patients with cancer, diabetes and other diseases, studies and developments in food science and nutrition, and the latest scientific research and nutrition recommendations for athletes.

The Dubai Health Authority was keen to organize the current session of the conference within an integrated precautionary environment and full commitment to preventive measures in light of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the authority also provided a full opportunity for doctors, specialists and those interested to participate in this conference (remotely) through modern technologies.

The conference was held under the slogan: "Challenges, Flexibility and Sustainability in Nutrition", with the participation of more than (800) doctors, experts and specialists in this field from different countries of the world.

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